Monday, August 3, 2015

Wild goose chase

We pulled into Boise in the late afternoon, and were greeted graciously Stacy and Patty in their new home.  Jarom was not home, but we really wanted to see him as he is one of our favorite people.    

Bev and Jarom

So upon completing a tour of the home, we were treated to a wonderful, light dinner at the new bar.

A little later, I wanted to get an original oil painting to Sable, so I made arrangements to meet her in the parking lot of the Meridian Winco grocery store.

I took Julie with me, and after the exchange, we decided to make a surprise visit to Jarom at St. Luke's.  We entered the hospital emergency door and asked the receptionist if we could make a quick visit.  She couldn't find him on the computer, which mystified us.  Well, I found out that St. Luke has several facilities in the Boise area, and he actually worked at the one downtown.

It was now dark outside, and we decided that our wild goose chase was in vain, we gave up, knowing we would see him in the morning anyway.    

Stacy, Patty, Julie, Bev & Jarom

New home
After a short but sweet reunion, we pulled out happy and full of Patty's homemade pancakes.  The new Meridian temple is being constructed at a site close to the new home, and we just had to get a photo of it.  

Meridian Temple under construction

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