Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fortunate to again meet!

As the decade of the 1960's drew to a close, our paths pointed in different directions.  Now all retired, we were fortunate to again meet, visit, and remember old times.  

Dennis Moore, John (Jack) Thomas, John McKea & Donn Love

We since have found other companions and have passed on our heritage to our offspring - 48 grandchildren, I believe the count was.  Proud we are of our descendants!   

Dennis, Donna, Sue, John (Jack), Beverly, John, Judy & Donn

Another interesting occasion!  A reception at the Conference Center was held for "Mac," in honor of his retirement as President of the Tab Choir.  "Mac" Christensen (born 1934) is the founder of the Salt Lake City based clothing retailer "Mr. Mac".  We were honored to have our picture taken with him.

Beverly, Mac, John

Mac replaced Wendell Smoot, and he retired after 12 years of service.  We will always remember and cherish our choir association with both men.


katie said...

Another great post! Glad you got to have a great visit.

Tamara Anderson said...

Wow, looks like a couple of great reunions!