Saturday, March 16, 2013

From my old-fashioned point of view

The Temple Square Concert Series is always a good place to go if you want to hear decent music for free.  Such was the case for us as we escorted Erin and her sister Rachel up to the heart of downtown Salt Lake City.

Grandpa Zucc and Rachel

First of all, we had to feed our two grand-kids.  The traditional place is JB's, located right across West Temple.  Funny thing is - the kids call this place Justin Bieber's.  Honestly I don't know what they see in this teeniebopper.  Frankly speaking, from my old-fashioned point of view, he needs to clean up his dancing and pull up his pants;  however I do think he has a fairly decent voice.     

Grandma & Erin (now a Young Woman)

These three pics were taken in JB's.  Both girls ordered chicken nuggets and fries, while Grandma Zucc had a pot roast meal, and I had chicken with mashed potatoes.  Rachel did share a couple of her delicious fries with me, for which I am eternally grateful.

In the lobby of JB's
It was a rainy night, but I just happened to have a couple of unbrellas with me; so off we went, the girls leading the way.  After the first number, which was Beethoven's Hallejula from from the "Mount of Olives,"  Erin turned to me, and with her big, beautiful brown eyes wide open, she said "Wow, that was awesome."


katie said...

Great pictures! Thanks for taking them. Everyone loves a trip to Justin Biebers!

M W said...

Your point of view concerning Justin Bieber was probably the same point of view our parents had about our generation's teen idols, such as Elvis ("Swivel Hips") Presley. I also doubt if our parent's approved of some of the Big Boppers lyrics and most certainly the hair style that the Beatles imported to our country.