Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Welcome home, Elder Noorda!

 Welcome home, Elder Noorda!

It was Thursday evening, April 19th, 2018.  We waited anxiously for what seemed like hours for Jason to descend on the escalator.  Finally after hundreds of regular passengers, the first Elder appeared prompting shouts of approval from his waiting family.  Then another missionary appeared, then another.  Then toward the end of the line, came our Elder.  

The Salt Lake International Airport was buzzing with activity.  Some people without any family connections were standing around enjoying the excitement.  Homemade signs were the norm as each group had at least one.  Not to be outdone, Sherry & Katie, with the help of family members, came prepared with "works of art."  Below Matt and Rachel model them.

I don't know who the gentleman is next to Mike, but he seemed to be quite interested in what was about to take place.  Maybe he is one of the three Nephites?

True brothers are always there for each other.  Such was the case for Sam, Nick, and Greg.  

Rachel, bless her heart, give Sherry a big hug of support.  

Sherry had gone to a lot of work to create this candy necklace lea.  The necklace was gladly accepted by her favorite missionary.

Eldery Meyers was Jason's first companion / trainer.  Meyers returned home shortly afterwards and got married.   Looks to me as if he made a good choice for an eternal companion.  

Brothers together for ever.  

Mom, Dad and son pose for us.

Group picture.  I believe Myers took the photo, or was it the Nephite?

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