Sunday, November 11, 2018

A great worthwhile event

The Sandy Visual Art Show was open to all.  Grandma being encouraged by her art instructor, entered an original watercolor into the competition.  

Bev and Anne Jewett, her teacher.
Anne, an accomplished artist/poet, and has recently published a book of poems called:  
Whispers from the Heart  Paperback - August 27, 2018 by Antoinette Jewett (Author)

Go to to order!

Now, I was privileged to have been invited to the Gala showing.  To be in the presence of all the artists for the awards presentation was indeed an honor.  Miss Sandy was there to help with the accolades.

Even the city mayor was present, by video.  He was very proud of the artistic accomplishments of the community.

Mayor Kurt Bradburn

After the ceremony, all were invited to review the art display, and I must say that as I went from room to room, I was impressed as to the artistic quality of each work.  Needless to say, I will be interested in attending next year.  This is a great worthwhile event - believe me!

1 comment:

Tamara Anderson said...

WOW! This is awesome. Way to go Mom!