Happy Halloween! What an activity to get all excited about! This posting is all about decorations. It seems that some little monsters stole my homemade pumpkins, thereby denying my little, spooky grandchildren the opportunity of enjoying them. So I found a place setting at Big Lots, glued on a cardboard backing and attached it to a stake, hoping this would somehow make everything all-right with the grand-kids.
1) On Wyandotte is a wonderful display, of almost every type of debauchery imaginable. 2) The above pics are on 525 E. 3) The display on Annalynn is choreographed with music.
All you have to do is tune your FM radio to 99.9, and yes, the creator of this great display has created an electronic masterpiece, I believe; but the broadcast only reaches one block from the house, in any direction.
To get the full effect of these three displays, you need to come by at night. You and your kids will be entertained, for sure.
Next up is Thanksgiving then Christmas. I love this time of year with all it's celebrations. Throw in the harvest, with homemade chili, hot chocolate, and lots of family and good friends, plus a little football action, and what do you have? Life is great, isn't it?