Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy 2012

Solar storm

Hey, is this shot cool or what?  This image provided April 21, 2010 shows an eruptive prominence blasting away from the sun in March.  A new satellite, the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite, took the image along with many others.

Just yesterday NASA unveiled the first images from the new satellite designed to predict disruptive solar storms, and scientists say they're already learning new things.

When I see impressive extraterrestrial pics, I sometimes wonder what the Gods are up to.  For certain, they are very creative.

In 2012, may you be creative and find joy in all your endeavors, not mater what your interest.  


Tamara Anderson said...

WOW! That is impressive. Brendan and I really like it. Love you Dad!

M W said...

In 1859 there was a super massive coronal ejection of solar particles, called the Carrington Event, that hit our planet and caused a lot of problems with the nation's telegraph system. Many a telegraph operator got a shock when using the equipment. Our latest solar detecting satellite should help us predict if such an event could occur again. Read this article:

Anonymous said...

When the prediction is made....DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!

Mike M.