Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Avoid the "Stinger Bee"

Wow!  2012 was ushered in with kind of a sour note of health for poor ol' Grandpa Zucc.  Because of all the medical baloney that has been happening to me the last few weeks, I have taken a 2 month leave-of-absence from my duties at the temple.

One must not think that I have totally given up on life, the past several weeks, as I was able to compile, print, and submit the final copy of the ward historical report. Luckily, I had done most of the work before the holidays.

Another thing I did was to attend a retirement party at Sizzler. A friend, Mike (not my son), invited me to attend with him. It was good to see many of the people I had worked with at the post office. It is interesting that old memories are regenerated during occasions such as this.

I wonder if and when we pass from this life, we will be confronted with not only friends from this existence, but also with acquaintances from the premortal life? Will old memories be regenerated then?

I hope the mercies of God will be on all of us, no matter what our faith may be, and that the final judgment will find in us, a repentant generation of believers.

Are the words above a little heavy for you, in this new year?
  Well, the following photo will cheer you up, for sure!

Matthew is a "chip off the old block."

If there is one sure prediction that I can give for 2012, it would be that all of my grandkids will be successful and happy!  How can I know that?  Perhaps you have heard the expression, "the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree?"

The key to being successful is to set the example.  Be happy, kind, honest, loyal, helpful, brave, reverent, and by all means;
Avoid the "Stinger Bee."


Anonymous said...

Pretty interesting and trying couple of months for all of us, but you two especially. I am glad everything is returning back to the crazy normal again.

Mike M.

M W said...

I was glad that you could accompany me to that retirement party. I've since been talking to a few other old friends from the neighborhood that I moved from. It seems everyone in our age category is having health related issues now. Graduating to senior citizen status does indeed have its challenges!!

As for the other side of the veil, I'm thinking everyone will probably look like they did when in their 20's. Might be hard to recognize your grand- and great grandparetns unless you've memorized photos of them when they were in that age bracket.

katie said...

2012 is going to be better. I just know it!

Tamara Anderson said...

Great post! And Matt looks like he's having a great time! Yes, we must avoid that naughty stinger bee! Yup, 2012 is going to be a really great year!