Sunday, December 5, 2010


Erin settling in to watch TV at grandpa's house.

When someone is giving you a hard time, have you ever said, "Don't bug me?" I wonder if bugs say, "Don't people me," when someone bothers them?

I just happen to know of some people who are afraid of insects, especially spiders. This is very curious behavior since people must look shockingly huge to the little creatures. The poor things must actually tremble with fear when they not only see us coming , but also feel the frightening vibrations of our footsteps.

Hey, put yourself in their place. How would you feel if a creature of some type, as big as the Church Office Building came along ready to crush you, knowingly or not?

Anyway, Erin is such a loving, gentle, and caring person. I guess you could say that she "wouldn't hurt a flea."

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