Sunday, February 5, 2012

Quite an occasion!

Today's Super Bowl turned out to be quite an occasion, here at Grandpa Zucc's house.  After attending early church, we fired up the TV and made ourselves comfortable around lots of food.

Mike and Katie brought over sub sandwiches and Buffalo balls.  We provided the drink, chips, brownies and some of the condiments.  Jenna made delicious football coco puff rice crispy treats. 

The Lego's got put to good use, and Rachael served play snacks. 

Grandma played a homemade football board game with the kids, and all of us got to watch at least some of the bowl game.

All-in-all, it was a very relaxing occasion. 

"I am your little princess"

True love

"My nap is more important than the game"

"Please hurry up and take the photo"

"I can't believe you want to take my picture"


katie said...

It was a great superbowl party. Thanks for putting up with me!

Tamara Anderson said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Great pictures! Katie I like your gang sign. Ha ha. What are the buffalo things? They sound delish!