Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bozo in the Store

Walking the Vancouver Mall had its' interesting moments!  I was particularly impressed with the huge chess set displayed on the bottom level.  The pieces were lite enough to be moved, which means that an actual game could be played.  If Jason had been with me, I would have challenged him to a duel.

On the upper level, a large gorilla was on the loose in one of the stores.  As we made eye contact, I could sense his stone-cold will.  It was like one alpha male meeting another, and the prize of battle being that of total territorial control.

After looking over his domain, I decided to back off!  I already had a female waiting for me downstairs; and besides, if I won the battle, he and I would have to change places, then I would become the Bozo in the store, knocking over all the fragile stuff, and he would be free to roam at will, in the mall.  Ha ha

The female on the left is Grandma Zucc, and the one on the right is her childhood friend, Linda.  Gordon, Bev's brother, joined us for lunch at the Red Lobster.

The female below, Julie, is probably the one the gorilla would have pursued, she being free, single, and  homecoming queen.  I wonder, "Do gorillas have to commit to the on-campus honor code?"


Tamara Anderson said...

Dad, you have some pretty interesting "mall adventures"! Looks like you had a great time with Linda and Gordon! Glad you went down for the visit! And then I was Really glad you came back up! Ha ha! The chess games looks really awesome! I noticed the chair in the background just for G-ma to observe!

katie said...

If our mall had that giant chess set, you'd never get your exercise in!