Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Grandpa Zucc, in all his practical wisdom, has made a decision It is now being suggested by some reputipal scientests that a "one-way ticket to Mars" would be more cost effective than a round-trip fare. After all, the Pilgrams left England to settle in America, and they came one-way.

Well,hot diggity dog. That is exactly what I think. I bet I know who Ed Smart would like to send to Mars. I bet I know who Max Hall would send, and I bet Jerry Sloan would like to send the L.A. Lakers.

As for me, I think I would like to send those strawberry eating birds.

Who or what would you send?


All in a Day said...

Can I participate or is this just for grandkids??????? This is AWESOME!

katie said...

I love it! I'll be expecting regular posting from you!