Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I guess I'll never get tired of posting photos of grandkids. Each Friday, both Erin and Jenna come over to our house for piano lessons, and Rachael will be joining them this summer.
I get a real 'kick' out of the one-on-one time I have with each kid, while the other takes the lesson. I always provide a snack of some sort, and we then play a game such as Fish, Old Maid, or Greed. This gives each kid a chance to talk about school, family, friends, or life in general in a fun setting.

When the snack is finished, each kid then gets to do whatever she wants. They can watch a fun video, TV, or play a computer game - Dora is real popular.

Of interest, is the fact that both girls have composed music on the computer, during this time, and I might say, that I can see some real talent starting to spring up in this area.


Am I just proud of my grandkids, or what? I look at all of them and honestly, I think they are all more intellegent than I was, when I was their age, a thousand years ago. Really, nowdays all kids, I think, are brighter than I was, even the ones in my Sunday School class. I don't remember being as bright as they all are now-a-days.

I don't know about you, but I have great hope for the future, knowing that special young people are soon to take our places in society as we pass on to the other side. Do you know what I mean?


katie said...

Fridays are the best! Thanks for loving them so much!

Tamara Anderson said...

Fridays ARE the best! Lucky grandkids--they get to hang with you and Grandma! They really are smart and so much fun to be with.

Annie said...

i kinda think your grandkids are the best too! even the ones not related to me by blood:) lucky kids, lucky grandpa!

Anonymous said...

I did good, eh?
Mike :)