Thursday, February 3, 2011


This is kind of 'old news,' now that Jenna has been 8 years old for over a week.  The 'new news,' is that she is to be baptized this coming Saturday.  Anyway, the photos below are really cute.

Jenna is really proud of her new ear ring.  I also like the matching colors of the hairpiece and shirt.  Good job, Katie.

Yummy cookies and sugar-free ice cream.  One entity cancels the other.  Good job, Grandma. 

My grandchildren are sparkles in my life.  Grandma and I chuckle often when we consider their antics.


All in a Day said...

They are SO cute!~~ Love the earings! Don't think for a minute that Katie had ANYTHING to do with Jenna matching. Ha ha. Sorry Katie. :) And isn't that the best sugar free ice cream? I think it is good stuff. Wish I were there to eat come! Yummy. Love you all!

katie said...

Tammy is so right! Her fashion abilities have absolutely nothing to do with me! So funny.